By Localiiz
Branded | 17 May 2024
By Localiiz
Branded | 14 May 2024
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New Year’s resolutions have been set, lists have been made, and a fresh and wholesome mindset has been cultivated. Who’s ready for the new decade? Many of us join in on this annual self-improvement ritual for the new year, yet almost 77 percent of all people fail to follow through with their resolutions after the first few weeks.
The biggest struggle for those who set New Year’s resolutions is getting carried away by the heightened enthusiasm of lofty goals without establishing concrete steps to reach those goals, as well as tracking your progress. So how do you get started on implementing your new health goals? Perhaps you can pave the way with understanding what exactly your body needs to be healthy.
First, make sure the goals you set are attainable. Keeping them simple and true to your personality is the best way to start. Remember to start slow and build up your routine so you don’t get discouraged within the first week. Habits take an average of 30 days to form, and they stick easier if they’re centred around something you enjoy doing. If you’re looking to lose weight or adopt a healthier lifestyle, for example, first check in with your body to find out what it’s lacking or what is making you feel less than your best before you embark on a crazy workout journey that may not benefit you and your body.
A comprehensive health screening is the first step. Why is it important? Because regardless of whether you are showing signs or symptoms of illness, health screenings are strategies professionals use to look for as-yet-unrecognised conditions or risk markers, and prevention is always better than a cure!
Now that you have established the goal of taking care of your body more, an even better way to encourage sticking to your goal is to have it reinforced by others. By letting friends and family know about your New Year’s resolution for a healthier body, you don’t have to be alone on your journey for self-betterment. If ever you feel like giving up, they can also be there to encourage you to keep going. Maybe your New Year’s resolution can inspire them to join you as well!
Going to one health check-up won’t magically fix all your problems; you will have to work on it yourself, too. That’s why regular check-ups are the way to take charge of your health. If you have to adjust your daily habits for a better lifestyle, you will need to compare your tests to see whether your new habits are working for you or not. Specialists at health clinics can break down your check-up report in detail and arrange for appropriate referral and treatment services if necessary.
Having a healthier body is quite a vague and general goal, but if you can break it down into small steps according to your check-up report, it is much easier to keep track of your progress and stay motivated. Make sure you reward yourself for every small sub-goal you attain, whether it be losing your target weight of the month or increasing your flexibility to reach your toes, and remember to give yourself some compliments! Treat yourself to a drink with friends or buy whatever item you have been eyeing for a while to pay for your hard work; a boost in self-confidence takes you a long way.
The newly expanded Health Screening Clinic at Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong is more spacious and comfortable than ever. Equipped with two private single rooms with en-suite bathroom, the brand-new space allows you to receive Gleneagles’ attentive services with high privacy, and their one-stop medical assistance is suitable for the whole family, from infants to elders.
From routine preventive exams to specialist medical care with cutting-edge equipment, rest assured that your health screening at Gleneagles is comprehensive and thorough. Should you need specialised treatment services based on your check-up report, specialists at the Health Screening Clinic will explain your screening results in detail and arrange for appropriate referrals if necessary, so your next steps to a healthier you are clear-cut and attainable.
For a limited time only until 31 March 2020, Gleneagles is offering a variety of packages for health screenings, giving you an opportunity to have a fresh start. These include:
*Available Monday to Friday, from 2pm onwards
For more information, click here or call (+852) 3153 9000.
Gleneagles, 1 Nam Fung Path, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong | (+852) 3153 9000