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Lucky Spots to Visit for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

By Contributed content 12 February 2018
Chinese New Year is an auspicious time – if you follow the strict rules of feng shui then you'll know that there are many things that can contribute to your good (or bad) fortune. But did you know that the area you live in – or even the places you visit – can have a huge bearing on your luck, depending on what year you were born? It could be time to move on out or dance in glee at your lucky living situation, if this handy guide by Discover Hong Kong is anything to go by.

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Spring has always been the season that symbolises rejuvenation, and in Hong Kong, people attach a lot of meaning to Chinese New Year. A good start is of utmost importance, so in celebration of the Year of the Pig, we've asked feng shui expert Kevin Lau to suggest 20 scenic spots believed to bring good fortune to their visitors. So drop by and get the good luck going!

big buddha

Year of the Pig: The Big Buddha, Wisdom Path

As the Yi Ma, which represents travel, is affecting your zodiac, those who were born in the Year of the Pig are likely to find themselves on the move more frequently. Head to the Big Buddha and the Wisdom Path. Take a step back and appreciate the zen of the large woodcut Heart Sutra scriptures. This should temper the speed of change and maximise the energy of movement for the year to come. Birth years: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007


Year of the Dog: Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail, Fanling

Affected by unlucky stars in your zodiac sign, those born in Year of the Dog are susceptible to insecurity and anxieties. Alleviate the negative energy by heading northeast to the rural Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail – a scenic route that will take you past vestiges of the historic Tang clan. Draw on the wisdom of the ancients while unwinding in the serene surrounds. This will be beneficial to your career in 2017. Birth years: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

bird garden

Year of the Rat: Flower Market, Bird Garden

Congratulations! This is a great year for those who were born in the Year of the Rat, especially for those in search of love! Visit the Flower Market and Bird Garden in Mong Kok – being among fragrant flowers and bird song could boost this romantic power to the max, and enhance things for those already in a relationship as well. Birth years: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008


Year of the Ox: Sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck

Being born in the Year of the Ox, you have three lucky stars shining on you this coming year. Up the good luck game by being as close to the stars as possible in the Observation Deck – on the 100th floor of the International Commerce Centre (ICC). Soak up the 360-degree view of Hong Kong’s beauty and get ready for a year of bumper opportunities and good tidings. Birth years: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

murray house

Year of the Tiger: Murray House, Stanley, Repulse Bay

2016 was a year of instability for Tigers and 2017 is the best time to go to Repulse Bay for some calming sea breeze. The Chinese also say that spending money can stave off bad luck, and sensible shopping at the many shops in Murray House, Stanley Plaza, and the surrounding streets can help you do just that. You can browse the stores while enjoying fresh air, which is good for your health. Birth years: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010


Year of the Rabbit: Chi Lin Nunnery

This is a year of change for those who were born in the Year of the Rabbit. A lot of the aspects of your life, including relationships, career, and living environment, may have yet to settle, but in the end it will all work out for the best. An ideal place to visit when things get tough is the Chi Lin Nunnery, where you can enjoy the serenity of the environs alongside Tang Dynasty-inspired architecture. The nunnery is also a good spot for meditation, so when times are troubling, put your palms together, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and feel your troubles dissipate. Birth years: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

dragons back

Year of the Dragon: Dragon's Back

The dragon and the phoenix are symbols of a match made in heaven, so the Year of the Rooster, which is in the same family as the phoenix, is perfect for those born in the Year of the Dragon. Head to Dragon’s Back for spectacular views of the South China Sea, Shek O, Big Wave Bay, Stanley, and Tai Tam along the rolling hills while upping your luck with work, wealth, and all your other stars. Birth years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012


Year of the Snake: Lamma Island

Lamma Island is where those born in the Year of the Snake should congregate, as it’s in the auspicious southwest direction. You can really sit back and take it easy here - the green mountains and natural rivers surrounding the island can help you relax and amplify all areas of lucks in your life including work and wealth. Birth years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013


Year of the Horse: Happy Valley Racecourse

You have the best luck in terms of money among the 12 creature zodiacs in 2017, so why don't you pop into Happy Valley Racecourse and try your luck? Get your adrenaline pumping, and feel the excitement in the atmosphere as you hear the hooves thunder down the tracks. Who knows, it could be your day! Birth years: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

victoria harbour

Year of the Goat: Touring Victoria Harbour

Right in the centre of Hong Kong is where good luck pools for those born in Year of the Goat. Take an evening harbour cruise to enjoy the views of both sides of the harbour as Hong Kong transitions from day to night. Touring Victoria Harbour is always on the list. Birth years: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

lan kwai fong

Year of the Monkey: Lan Kwai Fong

If you’re a single Monkey, then Lan Kwai Fong is the place for you. No longer just a nightclub hub, LKF is now synonymous with fine food, drinks, and all things celebratory. Your romance factor is through the roof this year, so who knows, you might find your significant other at the epicentre of Hong Kong nightlife! Birth years: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004


Year of the Rooster: The Peak

Lucky roosters should rise to Hong Kong Island’s highest vantage point and take in the commanding vistas from Victoria Peak. Broaden your horizons by soaking up the view of the Kowloon and Hong Kong Island skyline. Feel your worries dissolve and yourself prepped to overcome any challenges in the year to come. Birth years: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005

Other Lucky Locales ...

Feng shui enthusiasts believe that every year, different cardinal directions affect one’s luck in respective aspects of life. Head to these auspiciously located festive and scenic areas to soak up good luck for the year ahead!

CNY night parade

Chinese New Year Night Parade

It’s Chinese tradition to take a lucky stroll to kick off the new year, and where better to do it than at the New Year Night Parade? Bathe in the positive energy and be regaled by performances from around the world alongside beautifully designed floats - a surefire way to improve anybody’s mood, boost romance, and bring good fortune.

che kung

Che Kung Temple, Sha Tin

Che Kung Temple in Sha Tin is one of the most popular destinations during Chinese New Year. Apart from being the temple that is reputed to turn around bad luck, it's location is right on the wealth quadrant on the feng shui grid. Those who were born in spring or summer should wear cool colours such as black, gold, silver, white, gray, and blue to amplify the auspicious atmosphere, and those who were born in autumn or winter should wear warm colours such as green, red, orange, or purple.

tap mun

Tap Mun

In 2017, northeast is the direction for those seeking good luck with their studies, literary insights, or clerical work. You can visit Tap Mun in the northeastern part of Hong Kong to bask in the beauty of nature and relieve stress to better prepare yourself for examinations or any work challenges ahead.

sai kung

Sai Kung

East is the direction associated with wealth in 2017, and Hong Kong’s easternmost point is Sai Kung. Also known as the city’s back garden, this quiet town offers pleasant scenery and tasty local cuisine. Take a stroll among the laid-back streets after a good meal to boost your fortune.

shek o

Shek O

Southeast is the direction for celebration in 2017. So if there is any call for celebration such as weddings, anniversaries, or promotions, it’s a good idea to take a walk on the sands of Shek O. Enjoy a great day out by the sea.

seafood market

Sam Shing Hui Seafood Market, Tuen Mun

Situated in the New Territories, Sam Shing Hui Seafood Market offers decadent seafood and a boost in your luck with people. It’s particularly useful to those who are in careers such as retail sales or the entertainment business.


Tai O Fishing Village

Southeast is where the fortune star faces this year, and for those in the finance industry or investment business, a visit to Tai O Fishing Village on Lantau Island should send good luck your way.

Man Mo Temple, Sheung Wan

Man Mo Temple worships the God of Literature (Man) and the God of War (Mo), who are symbols of academics and physical strength respectively. Apart from appreciating the historical landmark with its unique decor, Man Mo Temple offers blessings from these deities for all things work and study related.

Good luck, Hong Kong!

Read More! See what's on this Chinese New Year and check out our Guide to Chinese New Year Flowers.

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