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Quiz: How much do you know about Hong Kong’s public libraries?

By Ngai Yeung 18 September 2020

Header images courtesy of @wing1990hk (via Wikimedia Commons) and Wang Sing (via Shutterstock)

Hong Kong’s public libraries have some of the most robust bilingual book collections in the world and provide a wealth of resources and services—all for free! Wherever you go in the city’s 18 districts, you’re bound to run into a public library. Have you taken advantage of this wonderful resource? Take the quiz and find out how much you know about the public libraries of the city.

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Be honest: How many of these trivia questions on Hong Kong’s public libraries did you get right? Take our quiz again if you want to take another stab at a better score, or share this quiz with your friends and see if they really are the bookworms they purport to be.

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Ngai Yeung


Ngai was born and raised in Hong Kong and is currently studying at university in the United States. You can find her wandering around the city, experimenting with egg recipes and nerding out about the news.

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