By Localiiz
Branded | 17 May 2024
By Localiiz
Branded | 14 May 2024
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There’s no feeling like returning home after a long day and breathing the sigh of re-invigoration that comes with unclasping your bra. Although this daily ritual seems to be an almost universal one amongst women of all ages, it begs the question of whether this discomfort is an inherent by-product of the femme experience, or if it is a warning sign that you have been wearing the wrong bra size.
Aside from the not-so-pleasant physical sensation of being caged in, there are quite a number of health concerns posed by an ill-fitting bra. Boasting years of experience as one of Hong Kong’s leading lingerie brands, BodiBra have lent us their expertise on a few instances that should tip you off on a potential health issue. Specialising in bust and body shaping bras, they are here to share some insider tips and knowledge.
Though it may feel like tightening up your bra leads to extra spurts of support, whittling down tight can actually restrict blood flow to the bust area. On the flip side, a bra that is too loose is likely to be lacking in the support department, especially when it comes to activewear. Doing sports requires extra cushioning to offset damage to the muscle ligaments from tremors that come about with running, as well as the impact of jumping and contact sports. Although sagging is an unpreventable aspect that appears with age—or after being pregnant with and nursing children—ensuring an adequate level of reinforcement can minimise the gravitational pull and delay the process. Featuring an elongated cup that reaches an extra inch below the underside of the breasts, bra models like BodiBra’s Level Two support bra is a great help in giving a medium-level boost with its sculpting memory underwire.
Attributed to a sedentary office lifestyle most of the time, slouched posture is not necessarily exclusively a result of sitting around at a desk all day. In a 2008 study, it was discovered that around 80 percent of women who experience long-standing pain in their upper backs can attribute their struggle to incorrectly fitted bras. Whilst bra straps rest against your shoulders to support the weight of your breasts, tightly wound straps—usually adjusted as such to compensate for a cup that does not cradle the entire bust properly—can add to the downwards pressure that forces a hunchback. Well-endowed ladies are assumed to work their muscles more in carrying the extra weight, adding to their backside woes.
The contact between a bra strap and the shoulder acts as a sort of axis point where pressure is applied. If one strap is too thin or pulls down too tightly to cut into the muscle tissue, the force depresses deeper onto the collarbone, causing the bra wearer to slouch over on their side. To transform and fix severe cases, BodiBra recommends corrective styles that can be worn discreetly under your regular outfits to help shift and support your body as you go about your day. BodiBra’s Level Three Unify bra-and-vest set can be worn to give high support as well as coverage that will help mould your bodily contour and spine for a healthier transformation.
To the annoyance of women everywhere, many still see a case of “accessory boob” after the standard scoop-and-swoop method of tucking the breasts into the cups fully. Referring to the spillage in this area as underarm fat is... not exactly always an accurate description. In certain cases, the bulge that protrudes down the sides of the chest band may actually be excess axillary breast tissue. Unlike fat, these lumps may shift in size due to hormonal changes during a regular menstrual cycle or other periods of life. Refitting to a bra that can be adapted to suit your curvature is key. Luckily, BodiBra offers free bra alterations to all customers for up to three months after purchase to ensure you can move your measurements around to feel your way to the best fit.
Aside from garments that call for extra padding or atypical strap arrangements, a basic bra can also add to or detract from your entire look. “Proportionising” your outfit can get rather awkward when your natural frame is not catered to. Helping to pair you up with the best design for your body, in-house staff at BodiBra are professionally trained to offer bra-shopping advice and guide you through how to make the right modifications. Proper sizing can help to get rid of an entire closet of wardrobe malfunctions—like smoothing out a “quadraboob” from cups that are too small, or odd lumps under tight-fitting tops that come with axillary breast spillage.
Next time you find yourself trying to crease out odd kinks in your back and shoulder muscles, try changing the adjustments on your bra before wheeling off your office chair to the dump. Better yet, start by choosing a bra that is built to fit you specifically!
Offering personalised advice and designs built for all bust sizes and shapes, BodiBra can help you to select a piece that meets your needs from the get-go. Bring more poise to your posture by using the BodiBra Shapebra and pieces from their Shapewear collection, which are made to target your silhouette for transformation.
This Easter, BodiBra is offering up a special treat for Localiiz readers. It’s time to trade ill-fitted undergarments for high-quality pieces that uplift you and give you the support you need. From 2 to 6 April, you can enjoy a $100 discount on any purchase from the Level One, Level Two, and Level Three collections. On top of that, you can even receive a buy-one-get-one-free offer upon purchasing a BodiShape Standard model from their shapewear series. Start your transformation today with BodiBra!