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Quiz: How well do you know Hong Kong’s movie stars?

By Min Ji Park 26 May 2022 | Last Updated 19 May 2023

Header image: Still from Chungking Express (1994)

Hong Kong cinema is one of the most illustrious industries in the world and has launched many stars to both local and international markets. With thousands of films in its library, you may have seen one or two familiar faces pop up again and again throughout the years. But how many of Hong Kong’s many films have you watched, and which movie stars you remember from them? Put your knowledge to the test and take our quiz to find out.

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Be honest: How many of these trivia questions on Hong Kong’s movie stars did you get right? Do the quiz again if you want to take another stab at a better score, or share this quiz with your friends and see if they really are the cinephiles they claim to be.

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Min Ji Park


Born in Korea and raised in Hong Kong, Min Ji spends most of her time wishing it were a little bit colder. A fan of low-key yet meaningful experiences, she can be found watching movies with her dog, taking photographs, and listening to any and all kinds of music.

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